Wednesday, November 22, 2006


did you know that the difference between a latte and a cappuccino is the steamed milk : foamed milk ratio (and, by conservation of volume, the ratio of those two things to the espresso)? it'll all just turn into steamed milk by thermodynamics eventually.

I thought there was somthing monumentally different between them. And I sat down at the starbucks at bristo square and did my maths homework, and outlined some of my bio notes to begin studying, and read the 'latte' and 'cappuccino' posters several times. is the whole world built on ratios of the different phases of milk?? milk is a colloid, by the way. that's a gas dissolved in a liquid (right? someone please correct me). so it's sort of both phases all the time, when you think about it.

people are contracting aids at the rate of one new infection every 8 seconds. people are being bought and sold like lattes and cappuccinos. sometimes i wonder what good knowing the resultant moment on a beam does, or why I make 3 flashcards about it, and commit it to memory. why am i transfixed by all the different kinds of artificial sweetners I can put in my tea? i've gotten so lost in the world, and i'm sick of it. and all we argue about is if two men or two women can get married. there is nothing new under the sun, but people try to get excited about milk : milk ratios and i'm not impressed anymore. i don't know what i'm trying to say, or what I'm going to do now. buy fairtrade coffee and use linen grocery bags. turn off lights whenever possible. not have unprotected sex or start doing heroin or something. say 'thank you' more often.


Andy said...

i'm confused.
are you feeling morally grounded in a world that seems to lack morals?

but, i appreciate knowing about lattes and espressos.

Lindy Lois said...

oh, i forgot to mention. i'm also sick of philosophical discussion.

Anonymous said...

lindy, beautiful and honest