Thursday, September 21, 2006


i asked God for a good flat. He gave me a three-girl flat halfway between the two campuses I'll be going to, with a beautiful west-facing window to watch the sunset, with a big fridge, with a cleaning service.

i asked God for good friends- he gave me a flat mate who loves jesus and is open about her faith and herself. God gave me this wonderful small group where we can talk about faith and about his word, and come together as people who love jesus and want to reflect that in our lives.

i asked God for a good church home here, and he gave me this church i absolutely love where I'll (hopefully!) be volunteering with children's ministries. I already know two other people who go to this church, too!

i asked God for classes that will transfer back to USC- he gave me a class schedule full of classes I am interested in, some of which will go back to USC in the fall. He gave me two classes where I already know someone (study buddy!).

Now, the only things I still need are: soy sauce and bacon bits. I'll even take teriyaki! I just want something to marinate my chicken in! And the second one, this may sound so pathetic, but I think spinach salads are like 300% better with bacon bits. I don't know why, but that combination is just heavenly. Maybe with vinaigrette? So my small group prayed for my soy sauce, and tomorrow I'm hunting for the chinese grocery store that does exist we're just not sure where.

life is lovely and if God played baseball he would bat 2.000


Anonymous said...


have you checked at Tesco for soy sauce? There's one pretty near Teviot...I think on Nickolson. Also, if the Kababmahal is still open, you might check there...

Wish I was there with you. Go climb Arthur's Seat before it gets any colder!


Lindy Lois said...

ok. so i tried FOUR places (five if you count both tesco's)... finally found my soy sauce at lidl! it's a 150 ml bottle of course... but i'll take this victory!

Dave said...

bacon bits can be found by the tonne in Lidl! go investigate...

Lindy Lois said...

hmmm thanks for the tip, will do