Saturday, December 30, 2006

whoa do tell

ok so... i'm irresponsible. we went to prague and it was magical. still. we were in austria and it was COLD and we ate 7 course dinners and just ate in general. we went to munich and i want to go back. now we're in london at our magnificent flat. I've taken no pictures. and i want to go home. i'm enjoying being abroad, i love europe, and yay for the u.k. but... can i come home now?

Saturday, December 16, 2006

the obvious child

dad and john are here. the rain has stopped (for the most part) and now the hugs and back rubs (or at least someone to lean on while waiting to cross the street) are flowing in the streets. laminar flow, it's not out of control, distrubances dampened by viscous effects. easily modeled, parabolic velocity profile. reynolds number < 2000. you know.


but the streets are brighter and the days are longer and the walks are shorter when i'm with the people I love. too bad they're jetlagged now and went to bed at 6:30. i ought to sleep, too. or pack. sleep.

the hotel bed in leeds

luckily, subtlety is not a fruit of the spirit, and all i want for christmas is you. and a large if they fit like american apparel. p.s. i do not support american apparel it's poor quality and when it says "made in downtown l.a." it means the garment district, which is the closest I have ever come to a sweatshop and can't see how foreign sweatshops are much worse. also all of their clothes are super super small, which is frustrating.

Friday, December 15, 2006

and the way you would speak, and all that we wouldn't say

I made chocolate chip coffee cake tonight. sort of. I forgot to get chocolate chips so it was m&m's and chocolate buttons coffee cake, and I got creme fraische thinking it was sour cream, and i used wholewheat flour entirely, and I guessed on the measurements (but an educated guess, and i asked the opinions of others). I guess any time you mix chocolate, sugar, butter, flour, and cinnamon it will come out alright. And this time it was colorful!! oooh.

now the pan is soaking
and the stomachs are sitting
I need to pack up my bags
john and dad are arriving tomorrow! in 13 hours (and counting)

i had something witty and now i forgot it. dang. it wasn't even snarky either, just pure unadulterated and innocent wit. as my mom would say, "cheese! and! crackers!" (it means you're upset)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

phish food

um so finals are over. YES FINALLY AND I AM FREE! kristin and I went to glasgow today. kristin = friend visiting from usc, will be my roomie next semester yay!! here's the hottest picture:

and now i'm going to bed. will update later. like... some time i don't know. we'll see.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

murder on the dancefloor

i'm in bammental! yay! bammental via heidelberg, via mannheim, via frankfurt int'l, via lufthansa, via the wonderful edinburgh airport. well.... hmm... this time I took the train by myself all the way to bammental and there was no crying. true story. i even made some friends along the way.

me: [i show her my ticket] regionalbahnhof or fernbahnhof?
lady at help desk: fernbahnhof
me: fielen danke.
(i think that's how its spelled)
lady at help desk: you're velcome.


me: "mannheim?"
man on train: "da."

me: "heidelberg?"
woman on other train: "da."

me: "bammental?"
girl on last train: ?
me: "neckargemund?"
girl on train: "da."

I'm tricksey, and I'm good at taking trains. And making friends (slash making conversation, and that's like 90% of it right?) Anyhow, today I played with Ellis who is like amazing, and Rachel. Well, she is amazing but I didn't play with her. She skeptically watched me make hot chocolate (but the kind you put warm milk into... it's harder than it sounds guys) and took me grocery shopping, and we went to the Heidelberg Christmas Market!

We got some gluhwein, which means glow wine. Apparently it makes you glow from the inside, but it kind of made me want to barf from the inside. sorry. Rachel suggested some kinderpunsch, but I defered. We got some hot schokolade instead. well, not much else to report. I hate finals, I would like to just fail them then have the university of edinburgh sink into the forth (ocean-like thing) then usc doesn't get my transcript oh well. is that allowed? i will allow it. now off to studying, then bed. then who knows!! this country is crazy and pretty jawsome. peace (on earth).

Monday, December 04, 2006


so my mom sent me some tea (with a cool foldy christmas tree card. i made a video of it and i'm trying to post it on this blog but having trouble. any tips?), anyhow the two kings are: eggnogg'n and ginger snappish (it has lemon, too). kelly and I approached them with skepticism, which is well-deserved. because they smell awesome and you lift up your mug to your lips and inhale: "oooh smooth creamy egg nog yum yum- WATER." and it's a let down. But the ginger tea is better, because ginger is a legitimate tea flavor (unlike egg nog, which is a legitimate flavor for EVERYTHING ELSE).

but i was drinking some ginger tea, studying for my exam (in 30 minutes so i gotta scoot) and i burped and it tasted like warm gingerbread. so not all is lost.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

[event]:[BPA- British Points Awarded]

1."Kelly before we leave I need to top up my mobile": +10 points for "top up" +20 points for "mobile" = +30 points
2. wearing a shirt, sweater, sweatshirt, vest, scarf, jawsome hunting hat: +40 points for layering
3. still being cold: -50 points for being a wimp
4. i still don't understand cricket like at ALL: -25 points
5. but i do know that 'lorry' means 'big truck': +15 points
6. dislike rain: -30 points
7. but i understand how quickly the weather changes so it won't be here for long then i can make a run for it: +20 points
8. enjoy oasis: +15 points
9. do not enjoy having to 'top up' said 'mobile': -10 points
10. i'm going home in january, in case that wasn't clear: -100 points

-95 points. hmmm all this math reminds me to study for my finals (DEATH!)