Friday, December 15, 2006

and the way you would speak, and all that we wouldn't say

I made chocolate chip coffee cake tonight. sort of. I forgot to get chocolate chips so it was m&m's and chocolate buttons coffee cake, and I got creme fraische thinking it was sour cream, and i used wholewheat flour entirely, and I guessed on the measurements (but an educated guess, and i asked the opinions of others). I guess any time you mix chocolate, sugar, butter, flour, and cinnamon it will come out alright. And this time it was colorful!! oooh.

now the pan is soaking
and the stomachs are sitting
I need to pack up my bags
john and dad are arriving tomorrow! in 13 hours (and counting)

i had something witty and now i forgot it. dang. it wasn't even snarky either, just pure unadulterated and innocent wit. as my mom would say, "cheese! and! crackers!" (it means you're upset)

1 comment:

Lise M. said...

Your mother's expression reminded me of a joke we used to tell in Catholic school: A young boy was coming home from getting a few groceries for his mother. On the way, he tripped and dropped his sack in a puddle. He cries out loudly "Jesus Christ, God Almighty!!" A priest was within earshot and ran over to scold the boy for his blasphemey. "Son, it's a sin to take the Lord's name in vain!" "But Father, you misheard me! I said 'Cheese and crackers got all muddy!'"
(you might have to say this out loud to see how it works)
Enjoy your wonderful holiday with your loving family - there's nuthin' better!