Monday, December 04, 2006


so my mom sent me some tea (with a cool foldy christmas tree card. i made a video of it and i'm trying to post it on this blog but having trouble. any tips?), anyhow the two kings are: eggnogg'n and ginger snappish (it has lemon, too). kelly and I approached them with skepticism, which is well-deserved. because they smell awesome and you lift up your mug to your lips and inhale: "oooh smooth creamy egg nog yum yum- WATER." and it's a let down. But the ginger tea is better, because ginger is a legitimate tea flavor (unlike egg nog, which is a legitimate flavor for EVERYTHING ELSE).

but i was drinking some ginger tea, studying for my exam (in 30 minutes so i gotta scoot) and i burped and it tasted like warm gingerbread. so not all is lost.

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