Firstly, I saw Trey! Yay! I knew he was going to be in Edinburgh this week, but he hadn't called or anything (some cousin... i tell ya the American family is falling apart). But, as I was walking into the building my bio class is- there was Trey! he just got out of this interview/presentation that i think went something like this:
trey: I am clearly very smart and going to save the world.
people: while you're at it let us give you all of our grant money.
trey: brilliant.
i had a half-hour until bio so we went to a cafe on the 7th floor (which only trey knew about... i spend all day on this campus yet don't even know if the doors open out or in). then i was like, "this lecture is repeated at 4" so we went to high street area to a pub. We were planning to get something to eat, too, but then the wait staff (of one) performed this amazing disappearing act and we just had our respective pints. mine was okay, i wish i knew how to drink beer and judge it.
we talked about lovely things like his research and his baby (one of the prettiest white babies i've ever seen. no offense all you crackers, but we got the short end of the stick in average baby cuteness), and american politics and how trey saw the same guy in this pub three years ago and we speculated as to if he'd ever actually left the pub in that time. I left at 3:30 to get on a bus back to campus, but not before getting a muffin at starbucks because you shouldn't drink on an empty stomach. or a stomach that will not soon be filled...? don't question this logic! it's all i have!
in class we talked about flowers... again. we talked about them on monday and i was like, "oooh flowers" all during class. which was repeated from 4-5 today while i was like, "oooh flowers" and tried to pay enough attention to take notes. after class i got new guitar strings and second thing of wonderfulness-
I got flowers! and a vase!

well not technically a vase but isn't it awesome and sort of americana? i think so i think it's adorable and you're all jealous. I got the beautiful flowers that will bloom over the next week. and you walk out of the kitchen and 5 minutes later walk back in and you think, "you've been blooming... don't deny it you've been blooming and i can tell!" and they are so stunning. i'll take pictures every few hours/days and you can watch the beauty unfold. oh hooray.
they're in the kitchen but when i'm feeling lonely (and selfish) i will move them to my room.
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