Ok so some of you may know this, I'm trying to decide whether to stay for the year as I intended or leave after this semester. Kelly said I should make a pro/con list. So I present... the list. (if you click on it it will open bigger in a new window i think)

not like this makes the decision any easier. any ideas?
We were told that we would hate the first three months abroad. Then things would get better. So, some advice good for any situation: do nothing and reevaluate later.
Also, please type your list if you really want help. All I can read is COLD and something that looks like "afraid of cake and pie."ya
ah sweetness, we got lots of hugs for you right here, and we'll see you soon.
i didn't see on the pro scotland list closer to rachel adn bridget, but maybe it was in the illegible section. i'm sure it was...
really though I gotta say, this is an incredible opportunity for you. and try to think long term, that you'll be doing things this year that you might not have the chance to do ever again.
of course absense makes the heart grow fonder, so of course you are missing home, but think how much you will love it in a year! :)
sending our love
um, I didn't see "Lynn is in London and if I leave her she will collapse in a whimpering pile of mush" on your pro list. Or, of course, it may not be all about me... um, I'm coming in november!
stay! stay! then i can come visit you next semester! and you can come visit me and use your rusty french!
plus, staying for the year is just cooler.
come on, all the cool kids are doing it! :-D
I vote stay, too - though I'm just an old stay-at-home farmer. I haven't even been all the way to the "best" coast to visit your family (shame on ME). But I want you to come home with a Scottish accent and that won't happen in just a semester! No, really the experience is an investment in yourself - it will stretch you in ways you might never know otherwise. And I'll get your cousins in the vicinity to commit to a real visit, not just an unplanned encounter! I'm so proud of you for taking on this challenging adventure!
Love, Aunt Lise
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