Friday, November 03, 2006

try again

i finally got a bank account. it was a long story, and it was all in mail you can't just go into a branch. it all had to go to 'corporate'. where is corporate, you ask? oh about 10 minutes from my house. it's taken 8 weeks. 8 weeks... 10 minutes... this country is retarded.

but i gave blood. there's a 12 week waiting period here b/w blood donations, so last time i went in i wasn't eligible again yet. yesterday i was eligible again, so yesterday i marched in and held out my arm (and finger for the iron test, my least favorite part). new least favorite part: they put the needle in sort of wonky and now the bruise is creeping out from underneath the bandaid. plus they can't like take the needle out and reinsert it so i'm sitting there for 5 minutes knowing it's going to bruise, and they'll make me apply pressure to it to prevent hematosis (is that the name? they told me and i forgot). Basically you get to apply pressure to a bruise.

I gave blood and all i got was this stupid bruise. actually that's not true i got orange juice and a chocolate biscuit. i was hoping for a sticker or something, but I realized little kids don't (normally) give blood so why would they have awesome stickers/prizes? oh well.

me: "I'm O positive. doesn't that mean my blood can go to a lot of people?"
nurse: "no that's O negative."
me: "oh."
nurse: "but that's still special. I'm O positive. It's very special."

I wonder if she says that to everyone... or just me, the girl looking for stickers and prizes.


Lise M. said...

Yes, Lindy, you ARE very special, even if your blood type were A positive (like mine). I do think O+ is "sought after", it is almost the universal donor type. You are so good to give blood regularly - even in your adopted country.
I am so proud of how you meet and conquer each new challenge. Do you believe that some day all these trials and tribulations will seem like happy, care-free days of youth? You will! And you're doing such a good job of preparing for even greater challenges in you future! I know I can't put an old (i.e. WISE) head on new (i.e. inexperienced) shoulders, but I keep trying...
Much love to ye, aunt Lise
p.s. I'm still trying to find the Smart Wool socks for you - I may have to resort to the INTERNET!

Lindy Lois said...

the INTERNET?! i only resort to that for things like contact with family and friends and googleing stuff...

Meredith Cooper said...

hmm...they won't let me donate blood here because I have been to Europe...but if I go to Europe...will they let me donate blood there...apparently they don't mind that you are from America...

well...hope you are holding up well. i'm glad to know that you read me :) i'll try to keep interesting posts coming. love you!!